This was a heart-breaker - Jodie's anguish was evident and Marc seemed distraught and resigned more than the "Defiance" reported by some media outlets. I snapped some photos and recorded some audio to post on Choogle on with Uncle Weed podcast soon.
As i told him, i'll do something everyday to effectuate positive change to this horrendous travesty of justice and i encourage everyone to do one thing each day to help him, us, everyone.
This was a heart-breaker - Jodie's anguish was evident and Marc seemed distraught and resigned more than the "Defiance" reported by some media outlets. I snapped some photos and recorded some audio to post on Choogle on with Uncle Weed podcast soon.
As i told him, i'll do something everyday to effectuate positive change to this horrendous travesty of justice and i encourage everyone to do one thing each day to help him, us, everyone.