Comment sections are below the videos!We Are Change Boston Live News Infiltration of DHS Camera Story
Posted In We Are Change Boston Live News Infiltration of DHS Camera Story | 0 comments |
9/11 Masonic Memorial SanAntonioTX - WeAreChange San Antonio
Posted In 9/11 Masonic Memorial SanAntonioTX - WeAreChange San Antonio | 0 comments |
Freedoms Phoenix Radio is on the Air - WeAreChange Arizona
Posted In Freedoms Phoenix Radio is on the Air, WeAreChange Arizona | 0 comments |
WeAreChange NYC and LA make John D. Rockefeller IV run for the hills
Posted In WeAreChange NYC and LA make John D. Rockefeller IV run for the hills | 0 comments |
WeAreChange New Jersey educate the masses of sheeple
Posted In Wearechangenewjersey educate the masses of sheeple | 0 comments |
We Are Change London - 7/7 Anniversary 2009
Activists from We Are Change London visited Kings Cross station on the 4th Anniversary of the London Bombings.
While giving out dvds and leaflets they meet a woman who claims to have been at Holborn station at July 7th 2005. Seconds after buying her ticket at 8.32am she explains that a station announcement requested that people leave the station due to a 'power surge'.
The three simultaneous bombs occurred around 8:50am.
Get the Facts:
(courtesy of the July Seventh Campaign...
* What if four young British Muslim men had been tried and convicted by the State and media of crimes for which no legitimate evidence had ever been presented to the public?
* What if police investigations into terrorism in Britain routinely involved the manufacture of evidence to convict wholly innocent people and the suppression of evidence that proved their innocence? Remember the Birmingham Six, Guildford Four, Maguire 7, Judith Ward and Danny McNamee, to name but a few?
* What if the only piece of evidence ever presented to the British public, which purports to show the four perpetrators together outside Luton station, is inadmissible as evidence because three of the mens faces are completely unidentifiable?
* What if the train operating companies, police and even the Prime Minister reported the underground blasts as occurring on completely different train lines and at completely different locations to the story published in the official Home Office report?
* What if the official Home Office 7/7 report was confusing on every crucial detail from the movements of the accused, right through to the blast locations on the affected trains?
* What if the Home Secretary admitted the Home Office 7/7 report placed the accused on a train from Luton to London that was cancelled and did not run on 7th July 2005? What if the Home Office error arose from conflicting witness statements?
* What if a series of Freedom of Information requests lodged by J7 had twice forced the government to amend their narrative and what if those amendments resulted in an even less coherent story than the one that placed the alleged perpetrators on a cancelled train?
* What if nobody had ever heard the stories of the train drivers that morning and all frontline transport and emergency services staff were actively and expressly forbidden from talking to the media about what happened on 7/7?
* What if the Iqra bookshop in Beeston, Leeds, at which it is claimed the alleged perpetrators were radicalised, was run by Martin Abdullah McDaid, a British Muslim convert and ex anti-terrorist operative in the elite Special Boat Service?
* What if, one month before 7/7, a piece of legislation came into force, the Inquiries Act 2005, which guaranteed that there could be no such thing as an independent orpublic inquiry under its terms?
Read Nafeez Ahmeds "The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry"
Take Action:
We Are Change London
Posted In We Are Change London - 7/7 Anniversary 2009 | 0 comments |
Darren Pollard We Are Change Birmingham Re: Arrested
Posted In Darren Pollard We Are Change Birmingham Re: Arrested | 0 comments |
[Updated] We Are Change Virginia Interviews Lyndon LaRouche
Posted In We Are Change Virginia Interviews Lyndon LaRouche | 2 comments |
WeAreChange LA questions Ron Paul about the IMF as well as 9/11 truth
Posted In WeAreChange LA questions Ron Paul about the IMF as well as 9/11 truth | 0 comments |
Manny Badillo Visits Toronto for Street Actions
Posted In Manny Badillo Visits Toronto for Street Actions | 0 comments |
WACLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players. DAY TWO
Members of WeAreChangeLA, while in DC to participate in the nationwide day for Torture Accountability, took it upon ourselves to deliver, in a manner of good faith, the scientific goods about the criminal demolitions on 9/11/01. We decided to put it into the hands of any congress persons we encountered and thought we should, and any other DC insiders we deemed crucial to notify. We put a signed cover letter on a package of facts and scientific analyses regarding the controlled demolition of the WTC complex on September 11, 2001 that framed the issue in terms of a door of possibility left open for those congress persons who choose to act in good faith with their oath and the people whose sovereignty and care they are supposed to serve, and the treasonous implications of congress persons failing to acknowledge and act on this evidence.
Members of Congress who received the packets and letters either in person or through their office in this video of the 2nd day are as follows:
-Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wisconsin)- Judiciary Committee, Foreign Relations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence
-Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California)- Select Committee on Intelligence (Chairman), Judiciary Committee
-Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-California)- Foreign Relations Committee
-Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Maryland)- Select Committee on Intelligence
-Rep. Howard Berman (D-California)- Foreign Affairs Committee (Chairman), Judiciary Committee (Vice Chair)
-Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas)-Judiciary Committee, Homeland Security Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee
-Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California)-Judiciary Committee, Chief Deputy Whip and Founding member of Out of Iraq Caucus-has since received a packet all her own
-Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon)- Homeland Security Committee
-Rep. Diane Watson (D-California)- Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee
-Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota)- Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense
-Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Delaware)- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
-Sen. Ronald Wyden (D-Oregon)- Select Committee on Intelligence
-Sen John (Jay) D. Rockefeller (D-West Virginia)- Select Committee on Intelligence
The letter is here as follows, as well as the links to the papers:
1) "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe"- http://www.bentham-open.org/pages/content.php?TOCPJ/2009/00000002/00000001/7TOCPJ.SGM
2) "The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-thermite"- http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/Ryan_NIST_and_Nano-1.pdf
3) "Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction"-
4) "Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction"- http://www.bentham-open.org/pages/content.php?TOCIEJ/2008/00000002/00000001/35TOCIEJ.SGM
In addition, we included a brochure from www.ae911truth.org and a data disc of all the same material
p.s. A multitude of thanks and gratitude to the scientists, researchers, professionals, activists and good-hearted lovers of truth, justice and peace whose work is represented in these papers and through these actions.
Dear Honorable Congress Person,
We the People, in order to restore rule of law and accountability to our Republic, respectfully insist that you, as an elected representative, squarely face the facts concerning the events of September 11, 2001 and the implications thereof.
It is our moral and civic duty to entrust to you facts and scientific analyses in the form of peer-reviewed, published scientific papers that clearly and conclusively prove thousands of our fellow human beings and citizens were murdered in controlled and criminal demolitions on September 11, 2001.
Plausible deniability of these facts and evidence is no longer possible.
If you fail to acknowledge and act immediately and decisively on this evidence, then your inaction will constitute misprision of treason in the least, outright treason at worst. The time is now to fulfill your oath to the Constitution and stand tall in the face of the corruption of our Republic. We the People stand with you.
Pursuant to U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
And § 2382. Misprision of Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
(note: Every letter was personally signed with a return address on it)
Imagine if these kind of packets were delivered on the public record to every member of Congress, every Governor, every federal judge and every one of significance in the media.
Posted In WACLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players. DAY TWO | 0 comments |
WeAreChangeOklahoma - Truth Action July 11, 2009
Posted In 2009, WeAreChangeOklahoma - Truth Action July 11 | 0 comments |
WeAreChange Birmingham Feat. Darren Pollard
Posted In Darren Pollard, WeAreChange Birmingham | 0 comments |
WeAreChangeOhio Confronts Vice President Joe Biden during bailout propaganda speech
Posted In WeAreChangeOhio Confronts Vice President Joe Biden during bailout propaganda speech | 0 comments |
WeAreChangeSF Confronts 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben Veniste - ADMITS COVER-UP
Posted In WeAreChangeSF Confronts 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben Veniste - ADMITS COVER-UP | 0 comments |
WeAreChangeLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players
Posted In WeAreChangeLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players | 0 comments |
We Are Change Chicago Peace Fest Speech
Posted In We Are Change Chicago Peace Fest Speech | 0 comments |
Joe Scarborough apologizes to 9/11 activists in confrontation - WeAreChange Chicago
Posted In Joe Scarborough apologizes to 9/11 activists in confrontation - WeAreChange Chicago | 0 comments |
Rudy Giuliani Protest - June 30, 2009 - WeAreChange Oklahoma
Posted In 2009 - WeAreChange Oklahoma, Rudy Giuliani Protest - June 30 | 0 comments |
Jesse Jackson confronted on Obama Hypocrisy and Carbon Tax - WeAreChange Chicago
Posted In Jesse Jackson confronted on Obama Hypocrisy and Carbon Tax - WeAreChange Chicago | 0 comments |
Ride for Liberty, Ride for Honesty - WeAreChange AZ
Posted In Ride for Honesty - WeAreChange AZ, Ride for Liberty | 0 comments |